No kid should experience homelessness

As kids go back to school this month, their presence is so much more visible in our communities. During this season, we see them playing in the playgrounds, riding bikes, and getting off of the bus.

We know anyone can agree: every child deserves to have a safe and stable home, and no child should experience homelessness in our community. That's why we've been proud to partner with the Campaign to End Family Homelessness with CATCH and BCACHA, through which we have prevented homelessness for 887 families with children so far. Each month, we support an additional ~50 families with children!

Childhood should be a time of growth, learning, and stability. However, for many families facing eviction, this is all at risk. When a child loses their home, they lose more than just a roof over their head: they also lose the security and stability that are critical for their development, education, and well-being.

Children who experience homelessness are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Their education is disrupted, leading to lower academic achievement and higher dropout rates. They are also at greater risk of experiencing domestic violence, health problems, and developmental delays.

But the effects of homelessness go beyond this. The trauma of losing a home can have long-lasting consequences that affect children well into adulthood. Studies show that adults who experienced homelessness as children are more likely to face poverty, unemployment, and housing instability later in life.

This is yet another reason why the work we do at Jesse Tree is so important. By preventing homelessness, we are not only providing rapid relief to families in crisis—we are breaking the cycle of poverty and instability that can persist for generations. Every family we help stay in their home means one more child who can remain in school, develop healthy relationships, and grow into a confident, capable adult.

This back to school month, let's keep working together to ensure every child has the safe, stable home they need to reach their full potential.


A tragic story with a happy ending