Snow or Shine: Thanks to the folks who keep our community running!

As the weather has been unpredictable these last few weeks, we have been reminded of the unique and difficult circumstances many Treasure Valley tenants are in.

While many of us can sleep in or stay home on snow days, the tenants we serve are often service and other low-wage workers who have to get to work no matter what, snow or shine: the folks driving the snow plow down your neighborhood street, running check-out at your local grocery store, delivering your pizza, or staffing the front desk in your office building.

No matter the weather, they don't have the option to miss work: oftentimes, they are without benefits and paid time off. In addition, they can't afford to miss work, which often causes them to lose wages and can lead them in a difficult place where they can't pay their rent. Challenges with childcare on snow days can even further exacerbate wage insecurity for people working in such positions.

We are grateful that, at Jesse Tree, we are able to offer remote work options to our employees when they can't safely make it to the office, or when school is closed. It's sad but true that many jobs don't allow for that - and, unfortunately, a series of unfortunate events can easily lead many of these workers to a place where they need our help.

Your support allows us to give a hand up to our hard-working neighbors when they need it. Emergency rent money is a simple way our community can say thank you to these folks for keeping our community running, even on a snow day.


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Happy Holidays from Jesse Tree